- AgSafe BC – English/Punjabi handwashing sign
- Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) Food Safety
- Canadian Supply Chain Food Safety Coalition
- Farm Credit Canada – AgExpert
- Highland Ag Solutions
- Keystone Potato Producers Association – customized CanadaGAP Manual for Processing Potatoes only
- Provision Analytics
- Punch Verified Records Management Software
- Safe Food for Canadians Regulations
- Timelines for Fresh Fruits or Vegetables Sector
- Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Sector Fact Sheet
- Preventive Controls
- Preventive Control Plan (PCP)
- Licensing
- Traceability
- CFIA Traceability Requirements
- Definition of Lot Code
- Regulations for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Sector (video)
- Requesting a Safe Food for Canadians Regulations Licence (video)
- CanadaGAP Alignment with the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (read-only Powerpoint presentation)
- Alberta Department of Agriculture and Forestry
- B.C. Agriculture and Seafood Food Safety
- B.C. Good Agricultural Practices Guidelines: Risk assessment for natural disaster flood events
- Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Food Safety
- CFIA’s Food Safety Recognition Program (including questions and answers and a video)
- CFIA Food Safety Recognition Program Brochure
- CFIA: Notice to importers and domestic producers: Review your food safety controls for raw enoki mushrooms
- Health Canada: Prioritization of Microbial Research Needs for Fresh Produce in Canada
- Health Canada Policy on Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods
- Manitoba Agriculture and Resource Development : Food Safety
- Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation – Sécurité des aliments (en français seulement)
- Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA): Food Safety
- Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA)
- University of Arizona Training Video – Cleaning Harvest Equipment prior to Sanitizing
- Center for Disease Control (CDC) – Food Safety
- Center for Produce Safety
- Cornell University National GAPs program
- FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA)
- Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement
- Lettuce and Leafy Greens Food Safety Guidelines – Current Edition
- Melon Supply Chain Guidance – Current Edition
- National Cantaloupe Guidance
- Tomato Supply Chain Guidance – Current Edition
- U.S. Food Safety Gateway
- USDA Food Safety Information Page
- International Fresh Produce Association – Food Safety Resources
- Information for Canadian Exporters to the United States about the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) MAY 2023 UPDATE
- Link to Produce Safety Final Rule
- Draft Guidance for Industry: Standards for the Growing, Harvesting, Packing, and Holding of Produce for Human Consumption
- Proposed modifications to agricultural water requirements: FDA Constituent Update
- Does the U.S. FDA Preventive Controls Rule apply to my operation?
- External sources:
- Notice to Industry – United States of America – FSVP
- Does the Produce Safety Rule apply to my operation? (flow chart published by U.S. FDA: Coverage and Exemptions/Exclusions for 21 Part 112)
- Regulatory Alert for U.S. Importers
- Food Safety Modernization Act Food Facility Registration for Produce Packinghouses and Compliance Dates (written from the perspective of the U.S. industry)
- United Fresh Produce Association’s FSMA page (including implementation timelines)
International Organizations
- Canadian Herb Speciality Agriculture and Natural Health Products (CHSNC) Coalition Good Agriculture and Collection Practices (GACP)
- Food Marketing Institute: SafeMark
- FreshCare (Australia)
- NZ GAP (New Zealand)
- South Africa: Perishable Products Export Control Board (PPECB) Primary Production and On-Farm Produce Handling
- UK Assured Produce Standards