About dicentra
Effective for the 2024 season, dicentra will no longer be offering CanadaGAP audits. Please see the CanadaGAP communiqué about dicentra withdrawing services for more details.
Visit www.dicentra.com for more information.
Contact dicentra:
603-7 St Thomas Street
Toronto, ON M5S 2B7
TF: 1-866-647-3279
Fax: 1-416-361-3304
Existing dicentra certificates remain current and valid until their listed expiry.
Complaints, Appeals and Disputes
dicentra has official procedures to resolve complaints, appeals and disputes if you do not agree with the audit findings, if you wish to file a complaint concerning the audit or if you experienced other problems with their services. In any such event, please communicate with dicentra (contact info above). Please note that all correspondence is handled in strict confidentiality and that complaints are treated separately from certification decisions.
Certified Companies
dicentra maintains a public registry of certificate holders on its website. Visit https://dicentra.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/CanadaGAP_Sites_2023_V1D2_ML.pdf