How does the audit and certification process work?
- First, implement your program and make sure you are ready for an audit. If you do not already have a copy of the CanadaGAP manual(s), obtain one from the CanadaGAP website. The Audit Checklist is also publicly available on the website and should be downloaded in advance of your audit to help you prepare.
- Complete an enrolment form for the CanadaGAP® Program and submit it to the CanadaGAP office. The more information you are able to provide on the form, the more quickly your enrolment can be processed. You will be required to pay the Annual Program fee and, except for Option D and F, the FVGC $50 annual charge to CanadaGAP when you submit your enrolment form and annually thereafter on the anniversary of your enrolment.
- Enrolment forms will be transmitted by CanadaGAP to your selected Certification Body, who will contact you to book the audit. The scope and duration of the audit will be determined by the Certification Body in advance. Providing them with the most detailed possible information about your operation will allow your audit to be more cost effective and concise.
- After the audit, the auditor’s report is sent to the Certification Body for a decision on certification. The Certification Body will send you the final audit report and certificate.
- Audit fees, auditor travel expenses, and any follow-up time will be billed after the audit by the Certification Body.
- For answers to other frequently asked questions about audits, please see What to Expect from Your Audit.