About BNQ
BNQ is a certification body licensed by the CanadaGAP Program to provide certification services for CanadaGAP® in Canada and the United States.
BNQ’s services include scheduling and conducting audit schedule, recruiting and training auditors, assigning auditors to audits and monitoring their performance, reviewing audit findings and corrective actions, issuing the certificate of conformity, billing for the audit services, etc.
Visit www.bnq.qc.ca.
Please communicate directly with Andréanne Bilodeau, Martine Ébacher or Joël Rabesa at BNQ, if you have any concerns about your audit:
Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ)
333, rue Franquet, Québec (Québec) G1P 4C7
Tel: (418) 652-2238
Fax: (418) 652-2292
Toll-free: 1-800-386-5114
Email: bnq.canadagap@bnq.qc.ca
Audit Fees
Following your application for certification, BNQ will provide you with a service contract. BNQ will bill you for the costs associated with the audit, along with the auditor’s travel expenses, which are agreed to ahead of time in the service contract. Please contact BNQ for more information about its certification service fees. Also, if you have any questions about BNQ’s billing procedures, please call or email our contact person.
Audit Report and Final Mark
BNQ will send you your audit report and final mark directly and not through the auditor. It takes up to 30 business days to produce the audit report. You should not expect to receive your audit report and final mark before that.
Certificates of Conformity
Where applicable, BNQ will send you your certificate of conformity. The certificate of conformity is issued around two weeks after BNQ has gathered the information it needs and once all the requirements pertaining to the certification program are fulfilled.
Complaints, Appeals and Disputes
Following the certification process, BNQ will send you an electronic satisfaction survey.
BNQ has official procedures to resolve complaints, appeals and disputes if you do not agree with the audit findings, if you wish to file a complaint concerning the audit or if you experienced other problems with the BNQ’s services. In any such event, please communicate with the BNQ contact person:
Mélanie Robitaille
Tel: (418) 652-2238, ext. 2371
Email: melanie.robitaille@bnq.qc.ca
Please note that all correspondence is handled in strict confidentiality and that complaints are treated separately from certification decisions.
BNQ maintains a public registry of certificate holders on its website.