The CanadaGAP® Program is owned and operated by a Canadian not-for-profit corporation, CanAgPlus. Incorporation occurred in 2012.

CanadaGAP directors and staff maintain management control and oversight of licensed Certification Bodies to ensure services are delivered in a consistent and credible manner across the country. The CanadaGAP Program management system is based on international management system standards and meets Canadian Government Food Safety Program Recognition requirements and Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarking requirements.

The CanadaGAP-specific auditor training course was developed and is maintained on an ongoing basis by CanadaGAP. CanadaGAP also maintains updates to the technical standards, including the food safety manuals, Audit Checklists, Auditor Requirements and Qualifications, etc.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors overseeing the CanadaGAP Program consists of representatives from among producers, packers, repackers, wholesalers, brokers and other stakeholders. The Board is elected by members.

Program Objectives

The Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring the delivery of a food safety program for fresh fruits and vegetables that is:

  • Realistic, cost effective, voluntary and market driven
  • Based on industry input and needs
  • Technically sound and credible
  • Created through a transparent process
  • Founded on the published, peer-reviewed science
  • Consistent between regions and commodities
  • Buyer recognized

CanadaGAP Technical Advisory Committee

The Technical Advisory Committee contributes to the maintenance of CanadaGAP technical standards. Members are appointed by the Board of Directors based primarily on food safety knowledge, education, and technical expertise. Where possible, the Board will also strive to appoint members who are representative of the crop groupings within CanadaGAP’s scope.  Members are encouraged to consult with and represent the broad range of horticultural sector interests with their respective commodity groups across the country.

The Technical Advisory Committee’s role is to:

  • Review proposed revisions and updates to the CanadaGAP manuals and HACCP models, as required
  • Review updates to the CanadaGAP Audit Checklist
  • Review other technical matters related to the CanadaGAP program (e.g., self-assessment checklist and declaration of conformity, auditor training materials, etc.)

For more information about the Technical Advisory Committee, contact This is a volunteer group that meets annually and holds teleconferences as needed. This group replaces the CanadaGAP Stakeholder Advisory Committee.

Current Technical Advisory Committee List

December 17th, 2024 at 11:06 am