The CanadaGAP® Program is owned and operated by a not-for-profit corporation, CanAgPlus, and has been administered independently from the Fruit and Vegetables Growers of Canada (FVGC) since November 1, 2012.

Also in 2012, CanadaGAP completed its integration into the program of the former Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) Repacking and Wholesale standard. For further information about the integration initiative, click here.

For your desired topic, please click on the buttons below.

Program Evaluation
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2022 Town Hall Meetings
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Complaints, Appeals and Disputes

The Certification Body (CB) offers a formal complaint, appeals and dispute resolution procedure if you disagree with audit findings, wish to launch a complaint about your audit, or experience other problems with audit and certification services. Please contact the CB directly. Note that all correspondence is treated confidentially, and handling of complaints is separate from certification decisions.

A Customer Satisfaction survey is also sent by the CB after your audit. Please take a few moments to fill out the survey; the data is shared with CanadaGAP as part of our monitoring of CB and auditor performance. You can provide comments and/or request follow-up contact from the CB.

If you wish to provide feedback to CanadaGAP directly about services received, contact our office or click the button above for a copy of our evaluation form.

Complaints can also be submitted, in writing, directly to CanadaGAP, or to the Accreditation Body responsible for oversight of each CB. Contact the CB or CanadaGAP for information about the Accreditation Body [e.g., ANSI National Accreditation Board (ANAB), Standards Council of Canada (SCC), etc.]. All complaints are treated confidentially.

June 13th, 2024 at 03:38 pm