How do I make sure that the CanadaGAP Audit Checklist works properly on my computer/device?
The CanadaGAP Audit Checklist is the tool used by auditors to assess that participants are meeting program requirements. The Audit Checklist
The CanadaGAP Audit Checklist is the tool used by auditors to assess that participants are meeting program requirements. The Audit Checklist
The auditee would be scored in Question P2 of the CanadaGAP audit checklist. If ANY certificate is missing for any service(s) being
The requirements for the calibration of agricultural chemical application equipment can be found in Section 8.3 of the CanadaGAP Food Safety
No. The guidance in the right hand column is only that. It does not directly correlate to the points allotted for
This question is scored on an all or nothing basis. Either the applicator is in compliance with the standard or they
The yellow highlighting shows which water uses the operation will AUTOFAIL on the audit if NO water tests showing potability have
If ANY certificate is missing, the most the operation can score is 5/20. For brokerage operations, if any certificates are missing,