The CanadaGAP definition of sewage sludge indicates that it includes municipal biosolids. Section 4.1 of the manual states: “The person responsible does NOT purchase or use sewage sludge on any production site intended for production even in rotational years”. Therefore, no, whether sewage sludge is on its own or is a component of another product, it is not acceptable for use within the CanadaGAP program.
Generally, specific procedures used to manage hazards within these products reduce or eliminate pathogens to an acceptable level. However, pathogens are not the only concern with sewage sludge. Other potential hazards include Emerging Substances of Concern (ESOCs) that pose a chemical risk (e.g., other classes of pharmaceutical compounds, natural and synthetic human hormones, industrial chemicals [e.g. phthalate esters, brominated flame retardants, perfluorinated organic substances, alkylphenol ethoxylates, quaternary ammonium compounds], and personal care products [insect repellents, sunscreens, parabens, organic siloxanes, fabric softeners, fluorescent whitening agents, etc.]). There are a number of potential unknowns associated with these products and currently the levels of these potential chemical hazards are also unknown within the finished product. Therefore, further science is required before acceptable use can be determined.