How can I pay my CanadaGAP annual program fee?
Program participants may pay their annual program fee using one of the following methods: By cheque - mail to the CanadaGAP
Program participants may pay their annual program fee using one of the following methods: By cheque - mail to the CanadaGAP
Updates and revisions are made to the CanadaGAP program on a regular basis. These changes stem from user requests (program participants,
The annual program fee can be paid in U.S. dollars (USD), and the USD fee is adjusted to reflect the difference
Participants can voluntarily terminate their participation from the Program without cause. The authorized contact person must inform CanadaGAP directly in writing of
A split audit occurs when the audit takes place over two or more on-site visits that are separated in time (e.g.,
All CanadaGAP audits are conducted in either English or French. While the auditee may use and maintain written records and procedures
The CanadaGAP manual has this definition: Person Responsible: The one(s) who carries out an activity (e.g., harvesting, packing, storage, cooling, icing,
CanadaGAP certificates are valid for 12 months. In exceptional cases, an operation can request from their Certification Body an extension of