As communicated on January 26, 2018, the CanadaGAP manuals have been updated for 2018. Version 7.1 of the Fruit and Vegetable and Greenhouse Manuals can now be found on the CanadaGAP website at
Why are manuals updated?
- To respond to user requests. CanadaGAP receives many requests each year asking us to clarify wording in the manual or the intent of the requirements. Most requests come directly from producers or from those working with producers (consultants, auditors, etc.) who need the expectations explained more clearly or who suggest ways to simplify the wording.
- To maintain technical rigour of the program as science, industry, buyer, or government requirements change. There are still many unanswered questions in food safety research, and as the science progresses, technical requirements must keep pace. We are also in an environment of fast-paced change in food safety regulations both in Canada and internationally.
- CanadaGAP is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Most major customers now require certification to a GFSI-recognized program. To maintain recognition, CanadaGAP must implement updates whenever GFSI makes changes to its requirements.
- The CanadaGAP program has been reviewed for technical soundness by federal and provincial governments. To maintain our government recognition, CFIA requires that CanadaGAP review the manuals regularly and submit changes for approval by government.
- CanadaGAP’s Stakeholder Advisory Committee reviews all proposed changes and often brings forward suggestions of their own. They meet once a year to discuss requests for changes.
How do I update my manual?
As part of the CanadaGAP program, you are required to go through and update your manual each year to meet the requirements found in Section 24. The release of Version 7.1 is the optimal time to go through your manual to review its currency and to update it with the 2018 changes.
CanadaGAP has the following material available on the website to help you:
- Outline of Main Changes to the CanadaGAP Manuals – an overview of the changes for 2018
- Revisions document – shows changes from the previous version
Additionally, a PowerPoint Presentation of the Main Changes for 2018 is available on the website at
There are a number of ways to update your manual for 2018. You do NOT need to reprint the entire manual.
- Use the Outline of Main changes handout to get an overview of the changes. Determine which changes affect your operation (there may be few or none).
- When you have identified the changes that affect you, we encourage you to view the revisions document, as it provides the detailed wording.
- Reprint only the pages that contain changes that affect your operation. Print from the PDF version if you want a formatted, clean copy without the tracking.
- Insert any new pages into your existing manual, showing you have completed (checked off) any new procedures relevant to your operation.
- Go through each section, make updates as needed, and initial at the bottom to show that you have reviewed your manual.
- It is wise to reprint the entire Glossary, or at least print/review any changes to definition The terms that have been redefined are listed in the Outline of Main changes handout. Changes (usually clarifications) to terminology are important to understand, as they can impact how program requirements are met.
- On the title page of your manual, cross out last year’s version number/date and write in “Version 7.1 2018”, or print a new title page.
Updating your CanadaGAP Forms for 2018
- Find out which record-keeping templates (CanadaGAP Forms) have changed. These are identified on the Outline of Main changes handout.
- There is a new Form (V) to accompany the new requirement in Section 2.
- There are a few changes to other forms.
- Some changes may not be applicable to your operation.
- Determine whether the changes pertain to you.
- Start using the new versions of the Forms.
Please direct any questions to