We are writing to remind you that April 1st is the effective date for changes to the program for 2018, and to inform you of a few new developments:
CanadaGAP Manuals Have Been Updated
Two previous communiques announced the publication of Version 7.1 of the CanadaGAP Manuals, and provided tips on updating your manual for 2018. See the communiques dated January 26, 2018 and February 2, 2018 at: www.canadagap.ca/publications/communique/
To download the manuals, go to: www.canadagap.ca/manuals/downloads/
In addition to the document “Outline of Main Changes to CanadaGAP Manuals for 2018 (Version 7.1)” published on the website, a PowerPoint presentation summarizing the changes can also be downloaded at: www.canadagap.ca/publications/presentations/
Use these materials to help speed up the task of updating your manuals for 2018!
Updated Audit Checklist and Self-Assessment
As of April 1, 2018, CanadaGAP audits will be based on the updated Audit Checklist Version 7.1 available at: www.canadagap.ca/audit-checklist/
The updated Self-Assessment checklist is also available on the CanadaGAP website at: www.canadagap.ca/audit-checklist/self-assessment/
Updates to the CanadaGAP website
The CanadaGAP website was relaunched at the beginning of the year, and the Members Only access information has changed. If you have any questions about the new format or for help logging in, please contact the CanadaGAP office.
Additionally for April 1st, the Frequently Asked Questions have been updated to reflect Version 7.1 of the CanadaGAP manuals and other changes to the CanadaGAP program. We invite you to use the FAQs as a primary resource to answer specific questions, as well as to obtain an overview of common questions for all program participants, auditors and other interested parties.
Those enrolled in group certification may be interested in reviewing Version 7.1 of Component 3 of the CanadaGAP Program Management Manual under the ‘Becoming Certified’ tab.
Questions? If you don’t have access to the electronic versions of these documents, please don’t hesitate to contact the CanadaGAP office for assistance.