Please note that the CanadaGAP Food Safety Greenhouse Manual Version 7.1 (2018) has been updated on the website to allow for the following clarifications to be included:
- Changes were made to the CanadaGAP Manual for Greenhouse Product to clarify the scope for microgreens. Microgreens that come into contact with any post-harvest water are not included, and were never intended to be covered by the program.
- Please note: This is NOT a new exception. When microgreens were added to the scope of the program, production practices did not include post-harvest water use; therefore, these risks were not included in the hazard analysis.
Section III. Scope of the Introduction now states:
The CanadaGAP Manuals are intended for use by horticultural operations in Canada. They cover the production, packing (including production site packing and both on and off farm packinghouses), repacking, storage, wholesaling and brokerage of horticultural products.
The CanadaGAP Manual for Greenhouse Product covers production, packing and storage of product for fresh market only (see exceptions below), not product sent for further processing. It also covers the repacking, wholesaling and brokerage of fresh fruits and vegetables (see exceptions below).
CanadaGAP has divided the horticultural sector into the following crop groups: Fruit and Vegetable (Combined Vegetables; Leafy Vegetables and Cruciferae; Potatoes; Small Fruit; and Tree and Vine Fruit) and Greenhouse Production. Refer to the appropriate Manual(s) for the crops you produce.
This Manual is intended for the Greenhouse production, packing and storage of:
Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Eggplant, Leafy Greens (including microgreens), Fresh Herbs, Edible Flowers and Strawberries.
Washing/fluming/cooling/rinsing (any post-harvest water use) of microgreens
This manual is intended for the repacking, wholesaling and/or brokerage of Greenhouse fresh fruit and vegetables EXCEPT for:
- Fresh sprouts
- Fresh fruits and vegetables in hermetically sealed containers
- Minimally processed fruits and vegetables
- Washing/fluming/cooling/rinsing (any post-harvest water use) of microgreens
Additional clarifications were also made in Sections 7 and 15.
Section 7:
For leafy greens, microgreens and fresh herbs ONLY:
- The person responsible uses only water from a potable source to fill or replenish ponds for growing floating/living lettuce/herbs
- The person responsible uses only water from a potable source for irrigation, fertigation and chemigation
Section 15:
Water for Fluming and Washing Product (If not applicable, proceed to the next sub-section: Final Rinse Water)
NOTE: Microgreens CANNOT be washed/flumed/cooled (any post-harvest water use is prohibited).
- Water used to fill or replenish flumes, dump tanks, buckets, drums or pits is from a potable source
Final Rinse Water (If not applicable, proceed to the next sub-section: Water for Cleaning)
NOTE: Microgreens CANNOT be rinsed (any post-harvest water use is prohibited).
- If water used to cool, flume or wash product has not been kept potable, the person responsible provides a final potable water rinse
Updated versions of the manual can be found at