CanadaGAP wishes to remind program participants and other stakeholders that updates to the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manual for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and the Food Safety Manual for Greenhouse Product are not foreseen for 2019. Program participants may continue to use the current version of the documents (Version 7.1 2018) until a new version is published, expected on April 1, 2020.
For 2019, the food safety manuals would be reissued or a correction notice issued only if significant revisions were required as a result of new science or regulations.
The manuals are available to download free of charge on the CanadaGAP website under the Manuals section.
REMINDER: Even though the CanadaGAP Manuals remain the same from 2018 to 2019, your own copy of the manual must be reviewed annually to confirm that you are maintaining the procedures and/or to reflect any changes in your operation.
Updates to other CanadaGAP documents:
Please note that updates for 2019 were made to the documents listed below. They have been published as Version 7.2 on the CanadaGAP website:
- CanadaGAP Audit Checklist v. 7.2
- Self-Declaration and Self-Assessment Checklist v. 7.2
- Management System Checklist for Multi-site Operations v. 7.2
- Group Management System Checklist v 7.2
Version 7.2 of the CanadaGAP Program Management Manual was also released for the 2019 season. This document describes how the certification program works, including information about auditor and certification body requirements. To access the document (Component 3), visit the CanadaGAP website and click on the last tab of the ‘Becoming Certified’ page. Select the last item entitled “Management System Manual”.
If you have questions, please contact the CanadaGAP office by calling 613-829-4711 or by emailing