REMARQUE IMPORTANTE : Cet avis de correction s’applique uniquement aux versions anglophones des Guides de salubrité des aliments CanadaGAP.


Please note that changes have been made to the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manuals Version 8.0 (2020). Updated copies of both the Fruit and Vegetable and Greenhouse manuals are now available on the website at

The changes relate to the flow of the manuals; no changes have been made to the requirements. There are three places (once within the Fruit and Vegetable manual and twice within the Greenhouse manual), where users were directed to proceed to an incorrect section of the manual. Due to this oversight, two important sections may have inadvertently been passed over (i.e., the ‘Other Materials” and “Environmental Monitoring Programme” sections). This oversight only occurs in the English versions of the CanadaGAP manuals.

The Fruit and Vegetable Manual has been corrected in the following place:

The Greenhouse Manual has been corrected in the following 2 places:

In Section 19.3 Packing/Repacking:

In Section 19.4: “Other Materials”:

Program participants should review both the ‘Other Materials’ and the ‘Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP)’ sections in their respective version of the manual to determine if these sections apply to their operation.

We thank you for your cooperation and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please contact with any questions.

July 3rd, 2020 at 01:22 pm