The 2023 Annual General Meeting for CanAgPlus, the not-for-profit corporation that owns and operates the CanadaGAP Program, will be held virtually on Wednesday, November 29.

Participation will be available by Zoom, including a phone-in option for those with limited Internet access.

Members in good standing are encouraged to attend. Registration details will be available on the CanadaGAP website, and a registration package will be sent to members in October. Those unable to attend may appoint a member representative to participate on their behalf, or may participate in the advance election of directors on-line or by mailed-in ballot.

Resolutions – DEADLINE: October 1, 2023

Members in good standing may submit Resolutions in advance for consideration at the AGM. Please use the Resolution submission template:, and review the CanAgPlus AGM Resolutions Policy:

Business to be transacted:

  • Presentation of the 2022-23 Financial Statements
  • Appointment of the Public Accountant
  • Annual Report
  • Election: Four director positions on the CanAgPlus Board are up for election
  • Resolutions

Sponsorship opportunities are available.

For more information, please contact us at 613-829-4711 or  We look forward to seeing you at the AGM!

Sheri Nielson Auditor Recognition Award

As in 2022, CanadaGAP is pleased to call for nominations for the Sheri Nielson Auditor Recognition Award. This recognition is awarded annually by CanAgPlus to a deserving CanadaGAP auditor who has shown extraordinary heart, dedication and commitment to their role. The recipient will be an auditor who has made a significant contribution to the program, the growers, and the industry that CanadaGAP serves. In this way we wish to help keep Sheri’s memory alive. Sheri Nielson was a long-time CanadaGAP auditor and much-loved member of the agricultural community who passed away in 2022.

The recipient will be announced in the Annual Report, and the award will be presented during the 2023 AGM.

Nominations for the award will be accepted until October 1, 2023.

Potential recipients may not self-nominate; nominations must come from another individual or organization, whether that be the certification body, another auditor or colleague, a program participant, a growers’ association, or another member of the industry or the food safety community.

To submit a nomination, email Please include a brief description of the auditor’s contributions or qualities (1 or 2 paragraphs max).

Please direct any questions to the CanadaGAP office at or 613-829-4711.

August 4th, 2023 at 01:50 pm