Please note that there are two corrections to Version 10.0 of the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manuals. As was previously communicated, the manuals will not be reissued for 2024; instead Version 10.0 is being updated with these two corrections. Operations can continue to use Version 10.0 in 2024 with the changes outlined below (changes take effect April 1, 2024). These changes apply to ALL operations; read the information below carefully to determine what changes need to be made to your manual.

Updated copies of the Food Safety manuals, as well as updated supplementary material, are available on the CanadaGAP website at

Correction # 1:

The first set of changes appear in the How Do I Use This Manual? section of both the Fruit and Vegetable and the Greenhouse Food Safety Manuals. The document retention period is now 4 years for all certified operations, regardless of option. This will ensure that any applicable records will be on hand should the operation need to provide them for any reason (e.g., to comply with a regulatory investigation, etc.).

VI.iv     Document Retention

For participants on a yearly audit cycle: All Sections (1-24), Forms, receipts, letters of assurance and certificates must be kept for a minimum of two four years for audit, recall or other purposes.

For participants on a four-year audit cycle: All Sections (1-24), Forms, receipts, letters of assurance and certificates must be kept for a minimum of four years for audit, recall or other purposes.

At least three months of records prior to the date of the initial audit are required for those seeking CanadaGAP Program Certification.

In the case of suspected or potential contamination, or other an adverse event (e.g., recall, investigation by authorities, etc.), records should be available upon request by the regulatory authority within 24 hours and in the format required by the requester.

Correction #2:

The second set of changes occur in Section 23.3 of both the Fruit and Vegetable and the Greenhouse Food Safety Manuals. The wording was modified to ensure that potential contamination events were considered as well as events that have already caused contamination.

  • If an abnormal event occurs that causes (e.g., contamination or potential contamination of product, recall, regulatory investigation, etc.), the person responsible follows the following basic steps to manage the risk of contamination of product:
    • Stops current activity (if applicable) (e.g. shuts down packing line) to prevent further contamination
    • Identifies and, if possible, isolates the product and equipment affected
    • Notifies authorities/person responsible/certification body/CanadaGAP (as applicable)

Please contact with any questions.

January 24th, 2024 at 10:22 am