As was previously communicated, the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manual for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables and the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manual for Greenhouse Product will NOT be reissued for 2025 (Version 10.0 2023 remains the most current version).
However, please note that there are some corrections to Version 10.0 of the CanadaGAP Food Safety Manuals going into the 2025 season.
The corrections below apply to BOTH manuals (Fruit and Vegetable and Greenhouse Product); read the information below carefully to determine what changes need to be integrated into your copy of the manual.
Correction # 1:
The first set of changes appears in Section 7. Agricultural Water. The risk assessment that was completed for agricultural water sources must now be recorded within Section 7.1 of the manual.
According to the Food Safety Manuals, Agricultural Water is defined as:
Agricultural water: Water used for irrigation and the pre-harvest application of agricultural chemicals and commercial fertilizers.
□ Annually (prior to using the agricultural water sources) – the person responsible records the risk assessment completed for ALL agricultural water sources (as outlined in the bullets above) and provides details in the chart below (include other pages if necessary):
Record all agricultural water sources below (e.g., municipal, well, tertiary, surface) | For each water source, choose ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to indicate if there were potential hazards (as determined through the risk assessment above) | |
Yes □ | No □ |
If any hazards were identified above, complete the following table:
Agricultural water source associated with the ‘yes’ in the table above | Describe the specific hazards and location (e.g., cattle grazing on SW side of pond 7, etc.) | Describe in detail the corrective actions/ preventative measures taken to mitigate the potential hazard
(e.g., contacted upstream cattle owner who changed the cattle grazing location, etc.) |
Correction #2:
Two new Appendices have been added as information and resources for program users:
Appendix Y: Food Safety Risks after Wildfire – Resources – added to help operations navigate food safety concerns post-wildfire.
Appendix Z: Food Traceability Final Rule – FSMA 204 Guidance – added to help operations who may need to comply with FSMA 204 requirements.
Correction #3:
The last set of changes relate to the repacking of enoki mushrooms. It was determined that due to a history of recalls with this commodity, the repacking of enoki mushrooms will no longer be covered within the scope of the CanadaGAP program. Relevant sections in both Food Safety Manuals have been updated to reflect this change in scope (Introduction – III. Scope and Section 17.2 Use of Packaging Materials).
A reminder that to meet CanadaGAP program requirements, operations are required to review their manual annually. The release of the Correction Notice is the optimal time to go through the manual to update it with the necessary changes and review its currency.
Updated copies of the Food Safety manuals are available on the CanadaGAP website at Updated tracked changes copies of the manuals, as well as other supporting documents, are also available as tools for program users.
If operations are using the tracked changes manuals as their tool to update the manuals, three different types of tracking have been used for clarity:
- Changes for Version 10.0 in 2023 are indicated using track changes
- Changes for the 2024 Correction Notice are indicated using track changes and blue highlighting
- Changes for the 2025 Correction Notice are indicated using track changes and green highlighting.
Please contact with any questions.