For the very first time, CanadaGAP is taking its Annual General Meeting on the road to Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island!  Register now and join us on November 28 at 2:00 p.m. AST, at the Red Shores Racetrack & Casino, in the Grandstand.

  • Immediately following the AGM, an interactive Q& A town hall session will be held with members in attendance. This is your opportunity to meet with CanadaGAP face to face, ask questions and engage in an open discussion with us.
  • After the town hall, members are invited to join us for a free, holiday buffet dinner, generously sponsored by Syngenta. The dinner starts at 6:00 p.m. at the Top of the Park restaurant. To attend, you must register for the AGM and dinner by October 14.

Sponsoring Partner of the 2019 AGM Dinner – Top of the Park

Thanks to our AGM Sponsoring Partner: PEI Department of Agriculture and Land

How to Register 

Members in good standing are encouraged to attend the AGM. Registration is free, but you must sign up by Monday, October 14. Complete and send us your registration form, available on the CanadaGAP website. A registration package will be sent to members in September. You will receive the package via email, or by regular mail if we don’t have your email address on file.

Members can also participate in the AGM by phone/web presentation.

Those unable to attend may appoint a member representative to participate on their behalf, or may participate in the advance election of directors on-line or by mailed-in ballot.

 Business to be transacted:

  • Presentation of the 2018-2019 Financial Statements
  • Appointment of the Public Accountant
  • Annual Report
  • Election: Four director positions on the CanAgPlus Board are up for election.
  • Resolutions: Members may submit Resolutions for consideration at the AGM until September 27.
  • Following the AGM: Town Hall interactive session and Q&A with members

Resolutions – DEADLINE: September 27, 2019

Members in good standing may submit resolutions in advance for consideration at the AGM. Please use the Resolution submission template available here, and review the CanAgPlus AGM Resolutions Policy.

 Sponsorship Opportunities

We are actively seeking additional sponsors for the upcoming AGM. Please contact the CanadaGAP office if this opportunity is of interest to your business or organization. For more information, call 613-829-4711 or email us at:

Your participation in the CanadaGAP Program and your input are important to us. We look forward to responding to your questions and listening to your ideas at the November 28 AGM in Charlottetown. Hope to see you there!

August 30th, 2019 at 01:37 pm