CanadaGAP program participants are encouraged to review the attached resolutions, which will be discussed and voted on December 2, 2020 at the Annual General Meeting of CanAgPlus, the corporation that owns and operates the CanadaGAP Program.

There are two types of resolutions: ordinary resolutions and special resolutions. The attached document contains two ordinary resolutions, and one special resolution.

CanAgPlus members are able to submit resolutions in advance of the AGM. The submission deadline for this year’s AGM was October 1. The two ordinary resolutions were received, and then reviewed for compliance with the CanAgPlus AGM Resolutions Policy and approved by the Resolutions Committee.

The special resolution is being presented to members from the CanAgPlus Board. This special resolution proposes changes to the General Operating By-laws which would enable CanAgPlus members to elect their Board of Directors without approval from any other organizations. Background information is provided in the text, further explaining the proposed by-law changes. A vote of 2/3 of the members in attendance at the AGM is required for this resolution to be adopted.

Voting on the resolutions will occur at the AGM on December 2. All program participants in good standing are eligible to vote. Please plan to participate yourself or by designating a proxy to vote on your behalf. To let us know either way, you must complete and return the AGM Participation Form to the CanadaGAP office by November 13. As a reminder, the 2020 AGM will be held completely online, so you must have Internet access to vote.

Further details can be found in the AGM package that was sent to you in early October, or on the CanadaGAP website at:

October 19th, 2020 at 02:01 pm