Gestion Qualiterra inc. has been offering CanadaGAP audits in Quebec since the program’s inception. Since Gestion Qualiterra is a not fully accredited certification body in and of themselves, the company is able to function as an audit service provider under subcontract to a CanadaGAP-licensed certification body.

As of July 1, 2023, we will see a change to the certification body with which Gestion Qualiterra inc. is affiliated:

  • Gestion Qualiterra inc. has entered into an agreement with TSLC (TSL Certification Services International Canada Ltd.) to offer CanadaGAP audits in Quebec.
  • Gestion Qualiterra inc. will be ending its previous subcontracting arrangement with NSF Canada Agricultural Certification Company effective June 30, 2023.

Effective July 1, 2023 NSF Canada Agricultural Company will cease offering CanadaGAP audit services in Quebec for the foreseeable future.

NSF Canada Agricultural Company continues to offer services in the rest of Canada and other countries.

For Gestion Qualiterra Inc. clients:

Below is important information for program participants who have been receiving CanadaGAP audit services from Gestion Qualiterra inc.

  1. Upcoming Audits

If you have an upcoming audit scheduled with Gestion Qualiterra after June 30, 2023, you must act quickly.

There are two options available:

a.  If you would like Gestion Qualiterra inc. to continue performing your audits, you must officially switch certification bodies, from NSF Canada Ag to TSLC.

b.  If you would like to switch to another certification body, please visit the Certification Bodies page of the CanadaGAP website to select a new audit service provider.

How to switch certification bodies: Indicate your choice on the CanadaGAP Change of Status Form and return the signed and completed form immediately to the CanadaGAP office at:

Fax:  613-829-9379
Mail/courier: 245 Menten Place, Suite 312, Ottawa, Ontario K2H 9E8

2. Upcoming Self-Assessment

For those who are due to submit a self-declaration and self-assessment checklist to Gestion Qualiterra inc. in the coming months:

a.  CanadaGAP will allow Option A1 and A2 program participants to remain in the current year of their four-year cycle if they remain with Gestion Qualiterra inc. as their audit service provider.

b.  Please act immeidately: Those remaining with Gestion Qualiterra inc. do still need to switch to the new CB, TSLC, without delay. Complete the Change of Status Form and return the signed form to CanadaGAP,

c.  Once the transfer is completed, the self-declaration and self-assessment can be completed and returned as usual to Gestion Qualiterra inc.

d.  Those switching to a new certification body must restart the four-year audit cycle with an on-site audit.

  1. NSF-certified Gestion Qualiterra clients who aren’t due for an audit until after October 2023

For Gestion Qualiterra inc. clients who currently have a valid CanadaGAP certificate issued by NSF Canada Ag, and who are not due for an audit in the next several months (e.g., the next audit is planned for November-December 2023, or sometime in 2024), please note:

  • The NSF certificate will remain valid until the listed expiry date or until a new certificate is issued.
  • However, it is important to understand that there may be some exceptions to this policy – see further information below.
  • NSF retains the right to terminate a client contract early pursuant to its terms.
  • The certification body may withdraw the certificate immediately once the client contract with NSF Canada Ag reaches its termination date.
  • Clients who wish to clarify the terms of their particular contract with NSF Canada Ag should contact the certification body directly at (Isabel Coronado
  • While Gestion Qualiterra clients who are not due for their next audit until November-December 2023 or later do not need to act immediately to switch to another certification body, they will need to choose a new CB well in advance of their next audit or self-assessment due date. To start the transfer process, please complete Change of Status Form and return the signed form to CanadaGAP.

For more information about Gestion Qualiterra and their services, please contact Ysabelle Bergeron at 450-679-0540 or

For questions about the CanadaGAP Program, contact us at or 613-829-4711.

July 5th, 2023 at 10:28 am