Possibly, depending on the choice of Certification Body. One of the benefits of third party certification is the increased flexibility for those who are meeting different customer requirements and need multiple certifications, but who would like to avoid the cost and inconvenience of multiple audits. In addition to certifying a food safety program, some CanadaGAP Certification Bodies may have the capacity to offer multiple certifications within a single visit, for instance if an operation also needs certification to customer-specific requirements, or to GLOBALG.A.P., BRC, organic certification or other programs in which the Certification Body’s auditors are qualified.

CanadaGAP, through GFSI recognition, is working to eliminate the need for multiple food safety certifications in the future. To assist Canadian suppliers to foreign markets, CanadaGAP certification options B, C and D are benchmarked to the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). GFSI has officially recognized options B, C and D as meeting international food safety requirements.

November 3rd, 2017 at 04:26 pm