Yes, CanadaGAP has a fillable PDF version of both the Fruit and Vegetable and Greenhouse Food Safety Manuals. These fillable PDFs are available to download from the website here, in the Manual Download chart.
This fillable PDF allows operations to complete their manual electronically each year. An operation can download this version and fill out each section as they normally would (including the confirmation log at the end of each section). Once completed the fillable PDF can then be saved or printed if necessary.
In order to fully complete the fillable PDF, operations should:
- First download the fillable PDF to their computer. They should either right click on the file, click ‘save as’, and choose a destination, or download a copy directly to their own computer (e.g., on the desktop, C drive, etc.)
- The manual can then be completed electronically. Operations can go through the manual and check off checkboxes and circle bullets as needed. If there is a requirement that does not apply to an operation (because it is not applicable), the operation can choose the “N/A” drop-box that appears next to the requirement. There are text fields for operations to fill in relevant information such as for SSOPs, custom record-keeping, supplier or recall contact lists, etc.
- Operations must ‘save’ the file in order for the information to be saved. The manual does not need to be completed in one sitting.
Note: the fillable PDF does not include the forms. Operations will need to keep their records using another method (e.g., using electronic Excel versions of the CanadaGAP forms that are available on the website).