Section 17.2 (Use of Packaging Materials) states for Harvested Product Packaging Materials that operations use materials that are clean and free of debris (e.g., from other crops, compostable waste, garbage) and have not been used for any other purpose that may be a source of contamination (e.g., to carry tools, personal effects, cleaning agents, agricultural chemicals, maintenance materials or previously used to harvest other crops where agricultural chemical residues may contaminate product). Therefore, it depends on what type of equipment is being stored in them and if it is a source of contamination (e.g., leaking oil, lubricants, etc.). Also, Section 20.1 (Storage Conditions for Harvested Product) requires that harvested product is in an environment that does not contaminate the product or the containers they are in (e.g., clean and well-maintained storage area) and is separate from market product, equipment, fuels, agricultural chemicals (including treated seed) and market ready packaging materials. The definition of separate is “not on top of, underneath, or touching”. Therefore, it is acceptable that these are in the same area as long as they are not a source of contamination to the product (e.g., leaking oil from the equipment, etc.).