Service providers that carry out activities that are beyond of the certified operation’s CanadaGAP scope would NOT be considered as an “outside service provider”.


  • For an operation certified for only “Production”: since packing is an activity a producer would NOT complete as part of his scope, as operation that sends product to a packer would not have to get a certificate from the packer. (Note: production site packing is considered “packing”).
  • For an operation certified for only “Packing”: since wholesaling (as defined by CanadaGAP) is an activity a packer would NOT complete as part of his scope, an operation who uses a wholesaler to distribute product would not have to get a certificate from the wholesaler.

Therefore, a producer certified for Production (only) would not consider his packer, wholesaler, repacker or broker as an “outside service provider” conducting activities on his behalf. A packer certified for Packing (only) would not consider his wholesaler or broker an “outside service provider”. A wholesaler certified for Wholesaling (only) would not consider his broker an “outside service provider”.

March 23rd, 2018 at 10:28 am